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About me

I am a contemporary artist living in Calitzdorp Western Cape South Africa.

My work is 3dimentional in shape and is the result of the carefully hand cutting of delicate papers to build a story that is inspirational to read.

Layers and colors form an important part in my work, I also combine photography with paper cutting to create artworks with layered depth.

Some works are recognizable in shape and delivers a strong direct message and others are playful.

Paper is seen as something fragile that tares and becomes waste after a while, my work celebrates the idea that paper can be preserved if used smartly. 

I see each individual sheet of paper as its own work of art and together make the complete artwork comes to life and changes magically when viewed from different angles.

My inspiration comes from nature, people, politics and everyday surroundings.


At the moment I am fascinated and sometimes obsessed with the unseen organisms, cells, and atoms that surrounds us. It  is like a portal to a new universe that forms part of a different dimension, yet is also part of our daily lives and survival. My artworks demonstrates my perception of this concept.


The universe and all its complex patterns and rhythms are unexplainable to all humanity, therefore I like to produce artworks  to explain them and share my findings for the world to see. These unexplained findings produces unexpected artworks.


My fascination with the arts started many years ago, when as a little boy I discovered that colour and shape would make my parents look twice to make sure that what they were looking at was real. From that moment I always tried to create something unexpected to get that reaction from everyone who appreciates art.


I love working with paper as my dominant medium, as paper can transform from one dimensional to a three dimensional shape just by folding a flat sheet of paper. I like to surprise my audience by providing an unusual shape that is almost hypnotic to view. By using paper as an unexpected medium, it can send the brain into an unknown pattern of thinking that will change the outcome of its reality completely. This means the brain will start producing chemicals that will start thinking positively and inspire creativity.


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